2008 United Nations General Assembly Report
Retrieve Original: http://www.unoosa.org/pdf/limited/c2/AC105_C2_L273Add1E.pdf
The contents of Faires' Letter to U.N.Delegates also made the General Assembly Report (which is a summary of the UN Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space submitted to the UN General Assembly). Click image to enlarge, or see transcript at bottom of page.

General Assembly
Distr.: Limited
7 April 2008
Original: English
V.08-52487 (E)
Committee on the Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space
Legal Subcommittee
Forty-seventh session
Vienna, 31 March-11 April 2008
Draft report
III. Status and application of the five United Nations treaties
on outer space
Paragraph 12
Page 3
"Some delegations expressed satisfaction with the fact that issues related to the low rate of participation of States in the Moon Agreement had started to be considered, as there was a need for adequate and timely regulation of activities relating to the Moon in view of the extensive exploration of the Moon planned by several space-faring countries. Those delegations were open to a revision of the Moon Agreement, if necessary, and drew the attention of the Subcommittee to the precedent-setting value of the law of the sea and other international legal regimes dealing with areas beyond national jurisdictions."